Michigan School Student Body Includes 14 Sets Of Twins (REAL)
One visit to Grand Rapids University Preparatory Academy (UPREP) in Michigan and you’ll be seeing double. That’s because the school’s student body of just 441 students includes 14 sets of twins.
In the senior class of 35 students alone, six are twins. And according to the assistant principal, that’s not all – along with the 28 twin students, there are also two staff members that are twins. On top of that, an assistant teacher at the school is also a twin.
Needless to say, things can get a little confusing for students, especially when it comes to the school’s football games. “Last year, we had three sets of twins on our football team,” says senior Channing Pearson. “So they’d say ‘twin get in’ and it’d be four people running on the field.”
Source: UPI
New Zealand Vegans Mad That Animal Fat Is In Paper Money (REAL)
Vegans aren’t so happy that many countries are making their paper money using animal fat from sheep, pigs and cows – otherwise known as tallow. It turns out the secret ingredient has been used for more than 10 years, but was first revealed after Britain started using it to make their new five dollar bill last year.
The recent outrage comes in response to a video posted to Facebook by YouTuber Project Nightfall that has garnered over a million views so far. Vegans in New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom have voiced their concerns in the comments.
- “New $5 note isn’t vegan,” wrote one user Dan Hanks. “Was everyone’s New Year’s resolution to do ridiculously insane stuff like adding meat to money?”
- "That is really horrible to hear,” added another user. “But, we can all limit cruelty of animals in our daily life by going vegan and using cruelty-free products. It’s sooo easy.”
- “So unnecessary!” wrote another vegan Facebook user. “I will no longer be accepting these notes. Ironic I donated my first fiver to a Vegan sanctuary.”
- But one user points out that even though the video says some religions might also be offended by the ingredient, that isn’t necessarily true. “As an orthodox jew, we are not allowed to EAT pork,” wrote Channa Siegel. “We can touch it and use it. It being in money is not a problem at all.”
Tallow is animal fat that has been melted down to use not only for cooking, but also as a “slip agent” to prevent friction and static. It’s worth noting that the rendered fat is also commonly used in some household items, like soap, candles, plastic bags, moisturizers and some fabric softeners. Not only that, it can also be found in clothing items and cosmetics. Check out the Facebook post below.