It was 1959 when a man named G.G. Sweet (aka) Granville George Sweet decided to open the first McDonald's restaurant in Eau Claire and for that matter, in West Central Wisconsin. The location was 1513 South Hastings Way.
Although the original building is no longer, I can only imagine how many memories have been made there. Whether it was working there, spending family time together or simply cruising around on a Friday or Saturday night when you were back in high school.
If you don't know anything about G.G. Sweet you really should do some research. Born in Chicago, he was a war hero who served in the Korean War and World War II. He received the Silver Star, Purple Heart and two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals. His story is pretty amazing. He even has a park named after him in Pahrump, Nevada.
I found this link online. It is a photo album of pictures taken at the park.
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