Looking For A Partner? Study Says They're Most Likely In Your Friend Group

Family enjoying 4th July BBQ

Photo: E+

No judgements on the way people find love, but a new study claims your next partner is more likely in your friend group than on any dating app you're swiping through!

According to a new study by the journal Social Psychology and Personality Science, most couples actually start out as friends before they fall in love based on 1,900 Canadian college students who were polled about their romantic relationships.

The study also found that most couples were friends between one and two years before things got romantic and that most of the relationships surveyed didn't start out with either person having a crush on the friend.

Now this doesn't mean you won't find love on Hinge, Tinder, or Bumble, but you might want to look within your friend group to see if there's something more than friendship there. We're all in support of breaking out of the dreaded friend zone!


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