The Way You Cross Your Arms Says A Lot About You!

How do you cross your arms?  The way you do it, supposedly, says a lot about your personality.  So should be able to figure out who someone is by looking at them when they cross their arms.  Here's what they say, do you agree?

. Your Right Hand Out

If you like to fold your arms with your right hand resting on top of your left arm, then you're an intuitive person who is deeply in tune with your feelings and are keenly aware of the subtle shifts in mood in your environment. You can guess what people are thinking or feeling before they even open up to you.

Your Left Hand Out

If you like to fold your arms with your left hand resting on top of your right arm, then you're a pragmatic person who likes to look at things logically, not letting your feelings color your judgment. You like to carefully analyze problems before you make a decision.

Both Hands Out

If you like to fold your arms with both hands resting on opposite arms, then you're self-confident and self-assured and have a strong sense of direction in your life. You are sure of yourself and your decisions, and you have an aura of authority that inspires people to turn to you for guidance.

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