Yeah... About That Presidential Alert Yesterday...

If you’re one of the many folks that got the “presidential alert” yesterday, you’re probably also one of the people that made a crack about it online. Couldn’t come up with anything kitschy? There are a ton of people who DID. Here’s a sample of the hilarity you may have missed out on:

  • @CaseyNewton: “If I wanted my phone to scream messages from the president I would look at Twitter.”
  • @thecynthia: “All I know is if @realDonaldTrump hits "Alert" when he meant to tweet at 3am on a night when I'm actually sleeping, I'm gonna be REALLY annoyed. #PresidentialAlert”
  • @arcadiamancer: “just got an alert that the president's loose. everyone stay safe”
  • @jlazebnik: “congrats to tiffany trump, who just received her first ever text from her dad!”

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